Fit Notes (formerly Med3)

What is a fit note and when do you need one?

If you are fit for work, you do not need a fit note. You also do not need one if you are off sick for 7 calendar days or less, because you can self-certify your absence for this time – see guidance on:

You can only request a fit note from the healthcare professional who is treating you. You will normally need to speak directly to them before they will issue it, even if they have a detailed medical report from another healthcare professional which explains your condition.

Your healthcare professional will only give you a fit note if your health affects your fitness for work. The fit note is your property and you should keep it.

Fit notes are only issued for medical problems. If you have non medical problems (such as problems at home or relationship trouble at work) we be able to suggest other sources of help – some are listed in further support.

If a hospital doctor has advised that you are unfit for work, the responsibility lies with them to issue you with a fit note. Please see more information about this here: Questions and answers about certification and medical reports – for healthcare practitioners – GOV.UK ( If you are in hospital, please ensure you ask your doctors for a medical certificate before you are discharged.

Fit notes are computer-generated and can be printed and collected, or sent digitally to you. Duplicate fit notes can only be issued if the original has been lost.

The fit note is classed as advice from your healthcare professional. Your employer can decide whether or not to accept it, and your healthcare professional cannot get involved in any disputes between you and your employer.

In person – Repeat Fit Notes you can drop your request at Reception

Online via PATCHS – Repeat Fit  Notes can also be requested via PATCHs, fill in the details, your surgery will then deal with the request.


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